Welcome! genre: Indie-Script

Bringing Thought Theater to life has been a long but rewarding undertaking. It's been both a time of anticipation and doubt but it has always been a labor of love. While I've never personally experienced the process a parent goes through, from the beginning of a pregnancy until the arrival of a beautiful living breathing child, my journey to this moment seems a fitting analogy. Like all parents, I think my child is beautiful, knowing full well such ethereal notions are biased and subjective. There's a Seinfeld episode that offers a comical looks at this parental phenomenon, but in many ways, it does explain the concept of unconditional love. My newborn may take a while to get it's footing, but I'll be honored and excited to sit back and watch it grow.

There's a standing razzing that takes place amongst my closest friends whereby we each accuse the other, in endearing jest of course, of having something to say. However, setting aside all the kidding, it's clear to me that the truth beneath the surface is that everyone simply wants to be heard and acknowledged. For me, that understanding is what directs my approach to the world...a constant search for the truth that so often sits below the surface...looking for it's chance to emerge...hoping it will be accepted. I've long wanted to find a means to share my many thoughts regardless of whether they be good, bad, or insignificant. The emergence of the internet provides that opportunity. The internet's impact has yet to be fully comprehended and it's magnitude has yet to be fully felt. I'm grateful I can participate.

I look forward to sharing my thoughts while also hearing and acknowledging yours. I chose the name Thought Theater because truth...like theater often waits behind a curtain...it exists but it is often unknown until the curtain is drawn...and it is only exposed when it is acted out on life's stage...fully illuminated by the light of thought. Participating in thought has but one risk...truth. I hope you'll join me. Welcome to Thought Theater!

Daniel DiRito | April 1, 2006 | 11:48 AM
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