Senator Clinton Offers Energy Plan genre: Polispeak

New York Senator Hillary Clinton offered her thoughts on a comprehensive energy plan today at the National Press Club in Washington. Bloomberg has the full story here.

May 23 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton attacked the Bush administration for ``do-nothing policies'' on energy and called for a national fund financed by oil companies that would be used to develop alternative energy sources.

Her proposals, combined with increased conservation, could reduce America's oil consumption by almost 8 million barrels a day, or 50 percent of projected imports, by 2025, Clinton said.

Clinton, whom polls show is coasting to re-election this year, proposed that America produce 20 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020 and that tax credits be used for that purpose.

``There is so much money to be made from this,'' Clinton said. She praised General Electric Co. ``for its extraordinary commitment to a new energy future'' by manufacturing and selling $3.5 billion worth of wind turbines this year.

Referring to a scheduled meeting on June 2 of Bush and the chief executive officers of the Big Three U.S. automakers, Clinton challenged all sides to increase car fuel efficiency standards and come up with the help Detroit needs to ``insure that the cars are designed and built'' in the U.S. ``This is one of those moments that cries out for presidential leadership,'' she said.

The current difficult energy situation seems like an issue Democrats could use to their advantage in the upcoming midterm elections. However, I'm inclined to think it will take more than blaming the Bush administration for high gas prices to take advantage of the issue. Given the administrations past oil industry connections, it is a topic where Democrats could draw some further distinctions between Democrats and Republicans while maintaining the public's focus on the waning credibility and trustworthiness of the President and his party. Many Democratic strategists have been hesitant to see the party offer comprehensive policy initiatives, but I think energy may be one area where just the opposite could be quite effective.

Daniel DiRito | May 23, 2006 | 2:16 PM
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