Bush Bounce: One Whole Point genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation


It appears that recent news from Iraq has helped improve the publics perception of the handling of the war in Iraq. However, President Bush's overall approval rating increased only one percentage point in the latest NBC/WSJ poll. See the full article here.

According to the poll, 37 percent approve of Bush's job performance — an increase of one point since the last survey in April. This is the seventh straight NBC/Journal poll that has had Bush's job approval below 40 percent. Meanwhile, just 23 percent approve of Congress' job, while a whopping 64 percent disapprove.

Fifty-three percent say the decision to attack Iraq was the wrong decision, compared with 41 percent who believe it was the right thing to do. Moreover, another 53 percent signal that they are less confident the war will come to a successful conclusion. That figure, however, is down four points since April.

Also down is the percentage wanting to reduce the U.S. troop level in Iraq. In the January NBC/Journal poll, 66 percent said they wanted to lower the number of troops, while just 28 percent wanted to maintain the current level. Now, 57 percent believe the number of troops should be reduced.

Hart, the Democratic pollster, notes that the public's outlook on Iraq has slightly improved. "But the overall dynamic of the public wanting to make a change in Iraq has not changed at all."

According to the poll, 49 percent of registered voters want a Democratic-controlled Congress, while 38 percent prefer Republicans to retain control. This 11-point Democratic advantage is up from the April NBC/Journal survey, which had them leading by six points (45 to 39 percent).

Daniel DiRito | June 14, 2006 | 6:26 PM
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