Christian Intolerance Erupts In Senate Chamber genre: Hip-Gnosis & Six Degrees of Speculation & Video-Philes

The following video is another demonstration of religious intolerance and the scourge of absolutist beliefs. Three protesters with the Christian organization Operation Save America traveled from North Carolina to disrupt the opening prayer in the Senate because it was being delivered by a Hindu cleric. The organization released the following press release following the arrest of the protesters.

From The Christian News Wire:

WASHINGTON, July 12 /Christian Newswire/ -- Ante Pavkovic, Kathy Pavkovic, and Kristen Sugar were all arrested in the chambers of the United States Senate as that chamber was violated by a false Hindu god. The Senate was opened with a Hindu prayer placing the false god of Hinduism on a level playing field with the One True God, Jesus Christ. This would never have been allowed by our Founding Fathers.

"Not one Senator had the backbone to stand as our Founding Fathers stood. They stood on the Gospel of Jesus Christ! There were three in the audience with the courage to stand and proclaim, 'Thou shalt have no other gods before me.' They were immediately removed from the chambers, arrested, and are in jail now. God bless those who stand for Jesus as we know that He stands for them." Rev. Flip Benham, Director, Operation Save America/Operation Rescue


This level of fanaticism is deplorable and it demonstrates the need to combat the ideology of absolutism that has surged in the last twenty years. While I hate to draw comparisons and I hesitate to generalize, can there be any doubt that this type of intolerance is the predecessor to the violent extremist actions we see on a regular basis in the Middle East?

As we know, some fanatics have justified the murder of physicians that perform legal abortions. Given the advancing trajectory, how far removed can we be from further heinous acts of violence? The fact that such acts can be carried out in the name of one's god is utterly abhorrent.

H/T to Election Central at

Daniel DiRito | July 12, 2007 | 5:37 PM
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