Ahmadinejad: No Gays - Never Mind The Hangings? genre: Gaylingual & Polispeak

Gay Teens In Iran

Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made an astonishing statement during his appearance at Columbia University earlier today. In response to a question about the mistreatment of gays in Iran, the leader offered the following comment.

“In Iran, we don’t have homosexuals like in your country. We don’t have that in our country."

The comment drew an immediate spattering of laughter and boos. Ahmadinejad simply reiterated his statement with the following.

"In Iran, we don't have this phenomenon. "I don't know who's told you that we have it."

Gays in Iran are subject to the death penalty and the above photo shows a recently documented hanging of two gay teenage Iranians. The President, before being pressed to directly answer the question, attempted to gloss over the issue by comparing the enforcement of U.S. law with the enforcement of Iranian law...an attempt to simply suggest that Iran upholds its laws just as is done in the United States.

Apparently the persistence of the questioner led the less than nimble leader to use a well know tactic of oppressive regimes...to simply act like the situation doesn't exist. I guess the Iranian leader believes denial is an effective strategy. Frankly, I'm happy Columbia asked him to speak...it gave American's a first hand look at a man who cannot withstand the basic scrutiny that accompanies a free society and open dialogue.

I thought he looked like a fool as he spent the bulk of his time attempting to weave a divine justification for the beliefs he espouses...arguing that scientific ability is a gift given to a select few. In essence, I believe he sought to assert that his science comes from legitimately blessed individuals...not the impostor's found in Western culture.

The following video clips are from a CBC News Sunday Night documentary, Out In Iran, which chronicles the secret lives of Iran's gay community. Unfortunately, having to keep their lives secret is not only discriminatory...it is apparently the only way to stay alive. Please be warned that the video contains some disturbing images.

Out In Iran - Part One

Out In Iran - Part Two

Out In Iran - Part Three

Tagged as: CBC News, Columbia University, Freedom of Speech, Homophobia, Iran, LGBT, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, United Nations

Daniel DiRito | September 24, 2007 | 1:58 PM
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