Jackass: The Sequel - Twenty Two Donkeys For "W" genre: Hip-Gnosis & Little Red Ribbon-Hood & Polispeak & Tongue-In-Cheek

Twenty two Democratic Senators broke ranks and voted with the GOP to issue a resolution condemning the recent MoveOn.org advertisement in the New York Times. The advertisement asked the question, "General Petraeus or General Betray Us?", insinuating that the report of the General was little more than carrying water for the Bush administration's failed war in Iraq.

Take whatever side you choose on the advisability of the advertisement, but the fact that the Democratic Party allowed such a measure to pass is perhaps the single most stupid act of political suicide I've witnessed in years. To think that an act of free speech rises to the level of requiring such a resolution is mind boggling.

The fact that the entire event was masterfully manipulated to include the President slamming a softball of a question on the subject out of the park at the end of his hastily arranged press conference ought to be seen for what it was...a full-on partisan stunt and an insult to the intelligence of the voting public.

Worse still, the Democrats tucked their tails and cowered in the corner. Maybe we need to requisition diapers for our infantile Senators. What an absolute load of childish political drama on the part of the GOP; what a disgusting demonstration of spineless submission on the part of the Democrats.

Once you've had a chance to barf at the idiocy of the bungling burros, perhaps the following graphic will help you muster a much needed chuckle.

Twenty Two Donkeys For Brother Bush

Tagged as: Democrats, General David Petraeus, George W. Bush, GOP, Iraq, MoveOn.org

Daniel DiRito | September 20, 2007 | 5:48 PM
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1 On September 21, 2007 at 10:38 AM, Ben in Oakland wrote —

The dems just asked me for money. i wrote back to say that i could not give them money because the only political party worse than the dems or the repubs. This shameless resolution shows us clearly why. they have no spines, no guts, and nothing to say. Sad.

And this is form a life-long democrat.

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Today, twenty two Democrats tucked their tails and cowered in the corner…then voted for a GOP resolution to condemn a political advertisement. What an absolute load of childish political drama on the part of the GOP; what a disgusting demonstration of ... [Read More]

Tracked on September 20, 2007 9:25 PM

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