Senator Larry Craig Takes A New Stance? genre: Gaylingual & Snapshot Thoughts & Tongue-In-Cheek

As if Larry Craig hasn't drawn enough attention, it is now being reported that the Idaho Senator is considering the withdrawal of his intent to resign from the Senate.

From The Idaho Statesman:

U.S. Sen. Larry Craig says he might reconsider his decision to resign if he clears his name in his arrest for disorderly conduct in a restroom sex scandal.

That’s why Craig chose his words carefully during his resignation speech Saturday in Boise, according to a voice mail message he mistakenly left on a stranger’s phone. In the message obtained by the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call, Craig tells a man named “Billy" that his choice of language is deliberate because it leaves the door open for him to stay in office.

The voice is indeed Craig’s, spokesman Dan Whiting said. Whiting would not say who “Billy" is. Later that day, Craig announced that he had hired high-profile criminal defense lawyer Billy Martin, whom Craig hired to help him unravel the guilty plea Craig filed last month.

Whiting confirmed in an e-mail that his boss “intends to resign on Sept. 30th. However, he is fighting these charges, and should he be cleared before then, he may, and I emphasize may, not resign."


The fact that Craig left the message on the wrong phone simply adds to the tragic and comic nature of this ongoing spectacle. Apparently, the supportive remarks of Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter gave Craig some hope that he could weather the storm and remain in his position.

Speaking of positions, since the Senator "came out" with his new "stance", I couldn't resist having a little fun with the Senator's never ending string of not so subtly suggestive semantics...hence the following tongue-in-cheek graphic.

Larry Craig's New Stance

Tagged as: Arlen Specter, Gay, Homophobia, Idaho, Larry Craig, LGBT, Tearoom, U.S. Senate, Wide Stance

Daniel DiRito | September 5, 2007 | 10:22 AM
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» Senator Larry Craig Takes A New Stance? from
Speaking of positions, since the Senator "came out" with his new "stance", I couldn't resist having a little fun with the Senator's never ending string of not so subtly suggestive semantics...hence the following tongue-in-cheek grap... [Read More]

Tracked on September 5, 2007 11:36 AM

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