The Colbert Report: On Gay Marriage With Tony Perkins genre: Gaylingual & Hip-Gnosis & Uncivil Unions & Video-Philes
In the following video segment, Stephen discusses the Bible and the recent ruling of the California Supreme Court on gay marriage with Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council. Perkins and his organization are rabidly anti-gay and it's obvious that he's uncomfortable throughout his conversation with Colbert (unfortunately many of these right wingers have no sense of humor).
I always enjoy watching the holier than thou squirm when confronted with some of the inconsistencies found in their dogma...and Colbert is one of the best at exposing them. I'm sure Perkins couldn't wait for the segment to end.
Tagged as: Bible, Colbert Report, Faith, Family Research Council, Gay marriage, LGBT, Religion, Same-Sex Marriage, Stephen Colbert, Tony Perkins
1 On May 28, 2008 at 11:31 AM, Ben in oakland wrote —
I saw the segment last night. Colbert called Perkins 'a friend of the show', which sort of floored me. I thought colbert was very easy on him. and perkins was clearly very uncomfortable.
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