Why Yes, God Put That Banana In My Pocket genre: Hip-Gnosis & Snapshot Thoughts & Video-Philes

We've all heard about the images of Jesus, Mary, or some other godly persons face being found in the strangest of places...whether it be on a pancake, a potato chip, a section of tree bark, or the reflection on a window. Each new finding is touted as evidence that God exists and the faithful flock to witness each new miraculous image...some seeking cures for illness...others simply looking to be in the presence of a divine apparition.

Well according to the following God Tube video, the same can be achieved at the dinner table in every home. Yes, if you simply take a closer look at the vegetables you eat, you will find all the evidence you need that we exist as the result of the great works of an intelligent creator...and we are not the outcome of a lengthy evolutionary process.

I like to call all of this the science of random recognitions and coincidental comparisons. Essentially, if one were to look at every rock or every potato chip, there would be numerous examples of recognizable images. It's simply inevitable...just as it's likely that someone somewhere in the world looks remarkably similar to each of us.

In my sarcastic moments, I like to think these replications are evidence that God is prone to laziness. Yes, it seems that God is often a temperamental artist. Apparently he has days when creating is just too damn boring or he's simply out of ideas and he pulls out some of the older molds and sprinkles the world with batches of duplicates he hopes no one will recognize as identical 'carbon copies'.

Once I watched the video, it all started to make sense. No wonder so many people don't like vegetables. I imagine that somewhere in the outer reaches of our psyches, we have this strange suspicion that eating an avocado is just too closely connected to cannibalism. Fruit, on the other hand is a different story. I now realize why men can't resist grapefruit and women love bananas.

Tagged as: Bible, Creationism, Darwin, Evolution, Faith, God, God Tube, Humor, Intelligent Design, Miracles, Religion, Science

Daniel DiRito | May 3, 2008 | 9:38 AM
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1 On May 5, 2008 at 8:52 AM, Roy wrote —

Did you know there is a type of winter squash known as "Vegetable Spaghetti"? You open it up and the edible inside is just like spaghetti. Now if that's not proof of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, I don't know what is.

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Creationists are an interesting lot. Perhaps those willing to shun science and create dogma out of thin air understand the act of ‘creation’ best? Then again, requiring scientists to study the images found in a bag of potato chips leaves me all too uns... [Read More]

Tracked on May 3, 2008 11:07 AM

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