Ex-Gay Group To Converge On Orlando During Gay Days genre: Gaylingual & Hip-Gnosis

Call me a conspiracy theorist today. Why? Well the skeptic in me is having a hard time believing that it makes sense to hold a meeting of Love Won Out (the Focus On The Family organization that claims to assist gays with abandoning their homosexuality) in Orlando during Disney World's Gay Days. According to the following video, the timing wasn't planned...just a matter of happenstance.

OK, so you're saying to yourself, "What's your point Daniel? Well, here it is. Suppose I was one of the planners for the Love Won Out conference...and suppose I was also an "ex-gay" (at least in name, that is). Now think about the best way for an "ex-gay" to surreptitiously slip their toes back into the poofter pool...while still maintaining the illusion of a committed Christian convert.

Let's take it a step further...where better to demonstrate one's determination to minister to other gays in the hopes of effecting other defections than at one of the largest gatherings of gays? Yes, members of Love Won Out have a difficult job and they may actually have to purchase passes to Disney World in order to find those in need of salvation. At the very least, they may need to adopt the Peter LaBarbierra strategy of secretly videotaping the sinful activities for future instructional purposes.

Or they may even need to resort to the Jimmy Swaggart strategy...the one that involves sleeping with the sinner...because nothing beats a first hand knowledge of the depth of debauchery that might exist in the fallen. In the scheme of things, perhaps "taking one for the team" is simply what's required when doing the work of the Lord?

All sarcasm aside, I think these people are tortured souls who can't accept their homosexuality because they're unable to break free of their rigid religious ideology. Rather than embrace their true identities, they engage in a form of denial that requires them to build elaborate mechanisms to mask their actual sexuality. On that note, I guess I can see how they might "accidentally" end up at a conference in Orlando during Gay Days.

Regardless, I think it's clear that the actions of Love Won Out and similar organizations are premised on the promotion of self-deceit. Nothing good can come from that wholly self-destructive construct.

Tagged as: Ex-Gay, Focus On The Family, Gay, James Dobson, LGBT, Love Won Out, Peter LaBarbera, Reparative Therapy

Daniel DiRito | June 3, 2008 | 3:50 PM
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1 On June 3, 2008 at 9:09 PM, ben in oakland wrote —

I don't dount that your speculation is part of it. It's very much like an alcoholic going to AA 30 years after he has had a drink, and is always talking and being concerned about it. His life is still about alcohol.

I think, however, there is a more obvious answer. Florida will have an anti-marriage amendment to their constitution on the November ballot. Exodus is there to make sure it happens.

We couldn't have those nasty gays getting married and invalidating the lives, i mean, the anti-gay, I mean the godly and holy choices of the ex-gay crowd.

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