The Daily Show: On Gay Marriage In California genre: Gaylingual & Hip-Gnosis & Tongue-In-Cheek
You had to know The Daily Show would cover the start of same-sex marriage in California. Jon Stewart starts off by noting that California still exists...and then he wonders why God is taking it out on the Midwest. Of course that's a reference to the many times religious blow hards have suggested that natural disasters were God's punishment for the actions of gays.
Stewart also has a little fun at the expense of those who feel that marriage can only be between a man and a woman...pointing out how important his mothers ovaries and his fathers testicles were to his own wholesome upbringing.
I especially like the segment where Stewart "worries" about those children who are raised by two mothers. Before you think badly of Stewart, keep in mind that he's simply voicing his concerns for any child with two Jewish mothers (Oy vey, the guilt!).
Tagged as: California, Gay, Humor, Jon Stewart, LGBT, Same-Sex Marriage, Supreme Court, The Daily Show
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