1913 Law Repealed: Mass Marriage Means Mass Hysteria? genre: Gaylingual & Uncivil Unions

The Massachusetts House has voted to repeal an antiquated law that prohibited the marriage of out of state gays. The measure, already approved by the Senate, is on its way to Governor Deval Patrick, who has indicated his intention to sign off on the repeal. Once removed, the state will allow for the marriage of gay couples who reside outside of Massachusetts.

From The Boston Globe:

In a major victory for advocates of same-sex marriage rights, the House voted by a wide margin yesterday to repeal a 95-year-old law that prevents gay and lesbian couples from most other states from marrying here, setting the stage for Massachusetts to join just one other state, California, in allowing same-sex couples to marry regardless of residence.

The 1913 law specifically bars out-of-state residents from marrying here if the marriage would be considered void in their home state. Its repeal opens the borders for potentially thousands of nonresident same-sex couples to marry in Massachusetts. A flood of couples is expected from New York, where Governor David Paterson has instructed state agencies to recognize and grant benefits to gay couples who marry elsewhere, even though New York does not authorize same-sex marriages.

Neither House nor Senate votes on the issue drew protesters to the State House. Advocates cited the absence of demonstrations as a sign that same-sex marriage has become an accepted fact of life in Massachusetts, after lawmakers in a joint session last year rejected a proposed constitutional amendment to limit marriage to heterosexual couples.

What, no protesters? Can it be? Are we to conclude that there aren't any defenders of traditional marriage in the state of Massachusetts? Could it be that heterosexual marriages weren't harmed as a result of the many same-sex marriages performed in the state?

Mitt Romney, where were you and your five sons when the religious right needed someone to stand up and defend family values?

Tagged as: Gay Marriage, LGBT, Massachusetts, Religious Right, Same-Sex Marriage

Daniel DiRito | July 30, 2008 | 8:49 AM
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1 On July 31, 2008 at 12:23 PM, Ben in oakland wrote —

ah,m yes. But pastors are going to jail, their freeedoms of speech and religion are being curtailed, and the homosexual menace is raping children in the public restrooms of the commonwealth.

don't you read right-wing blogs?

2 On August 2, 2008 at 7:17 PM, daniel wrote —

Hey Ben,

Yes, the Christians are the new victims. Their entire world is being turned upside down. Perhaps they would be better off retreating to their own lives rather than being preoccupied with the lives of us homos, eh?

BTW, I read the right-wing blogs when I'm seeking the inspiration for a snarky posting.

Good to hear from you Ben. My apologies for the slow response. I've been trying to get myself prepared for the convention.



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