Penn On The Pope & Doing Catholic Right genre: Hip-Gnosis

In the following video, Penn of Penn & Teller talks about the prevalence of Catholics who pick and choose which edicts they follow. Penn is troubled by this updated, practical view of religion and seems to think that this modern day buffet approach isn't in keeping with being a member of a mystic, nutty religion.

With that said, Penn finds himself in agreement with the Pope's plan to enlist more Bishops who possess an expertise in exorcism. The goal is to take the battle directly to the devil...and Penn thinks that's a good idea that's in keeping with tried and true religious beliefs. In fact, Penn sees no benefit to updating one's doctrine to fit with what the knowledge we've gained over time. As he puts in, if you're going to be a nut case, you might as well go all the way.

BTW, Penn also wants a Pope hat. Maybe he thinks it holds magical powers? Go figure.

Tagged as: Catholicism, Comedy, Exorcism, Humor, Penn, Penn & Teller, Pope, Religion

Daniel DiRito | July 15, 2008 | 3:38 PM
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1 On July 15, 2008 at 5:16 PM, libhomo wrote —

A magician of all people should know better than to believe in mysticism.

2 On December 21, 2008 at 9:58 AM, Deity-of-Chaos wrote —

In response to libhomo's comment about Penn believing in mysticism, Penn is possibly one of the most outspoken atheists alive today. I can tell before I even watch the video that this is entirely satire.

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