Straight Talk Express = A Slick Mac Attack + Mac & Sleaze genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

I remember John McCain when he was a straight talker...that John McCain was an honorable man...the John McCain running for president is neither.


In this election, the only thing being offered, by the shell that used to be the Straight Talk Express, is a Mac attack...served up with two all B.S. candidates wrapped in a slick new bundle. If that doesn't leave a bad enough taste in your mouth, they're happy to toss in a barrage of fact-challenged Mac & sleaze. And if, by some stretch of the imagination, you think that's putting country first, I hope you enjoy the whopper you just swallowed.

In the interest of setting the record straight (since the new John McCain can't be), the following video is making the rounds on the internet. The video dissects the many falsehoods being mouthed in McCain campaign advertisements.

Here's the deal. The goal is to get this video in front of as many people as possible...allowing viewers to see just how far off the track the McCain misinformation-mobile has now traveled. At the moment, the video has been viewed nearly 700,000 times. I'm adding a slight twist to the mix...I'm asking each viewer to watch the video and then head over to the Obama website and invest $72.72 in the future...and help Barack Obama send the McSame McBush team into retirement.

This election matters...get involved, give money, vote, tell your friends to vote...and be one of the millions of Americans who stood up to change the future.

Tagged as: 2008 Election, Advertisements, Barack Obama, Campaign, Honor, Joe Biden, John McCain, Lies, Sarah Palin

Daniel DiRito | September 14, 2008 | 4:22 PM
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Action alert: This posting has two purposes. The first is to help launch this important video to refute the countless McCain distortions. The second is to encourage readers to invest $72.72 in the future by making a donation to the Obama campaign. [Read More]

Tracked on September 14, 2008 6:34 PM

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