Thank You genre: Indie-Script

I really appreciate all those who have taken the time to stop by Thought Theater. It's been encouraging to see the number of visitors steadily increasing and to witness the many readers who continue to return to the site. If you haven't already done so, I hope you will take some time to read some of the older postings that were in place before you may have found Thought Theater. It gives the reader a broader perspective of the overall content mix and a better understanding of my own thoughts about numerous issues. If it hasn't already become apparent, my curiosities are rather varied so hopefully there will be something of interest to all.

I will continue to post about a wide mix that includes current topics and news, relationships, humor, photography, and well as the more reflective postings that attempt to look below the surface. For a more comprehensive list of topics, please refer to the "genre" listings in the right-hand column.

I encourage you to add comments about what you read but to also insert your own insights and observations. Anything short of a novel is welcome. I enjoy the dialogue and it helps me expand and refine my own awareness. We may not always agree but my own preference is to keep the dialogue civil and productive so you needn't be concerned about personal attacks...I just don't see that as productive. I much prefer wit, humor, and the occasional snarky remark. Feel free to return the volley. Thanks again for visiting Thought Theater. I look forward to the exchange.

Daniel DiRito | April 18, 2006 | 1:34 PM
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