June 2006 Archives

Clift: Blame Congress For Republican Media Bashing genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

The recent efforts of Republicans to attack the New York Times and other media outlets for disclosing that the government has been reviewing banking and other financial information in its efforts to thwart terrorist activity are viewed by many as political spin. Eleanor Clift has an interesting article in Newsweek in which she makes the point that the fault should actually rests with congress and its inability or unwillingness to perform its oversight of the executive branch. Read the full article here.

June 30, 2006 - You have to go back to the Alien and Sedition Acts of the 1790s to find Congress so outrageously trying to stifle dissent. Signed by President John Adams to quash newspapers aligned with rival Thomas Jefferson, some 25 people were arrested and 10 editors and publishers convicted under these laws. This time around, at least, the resolution passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday condemning news organizations for publishing classified information has no force of law. It’s pure political theater.

Most of the administration's ire has been focused on The New York Times, the paper they view as exhibit A of the liberal media elite. The Times did break the story, but others were close behind, including The Wall Street Journal, an administration favorite. [...] Still, 17 Democrats joined the GOP to inoculate themselves against a 30-second television spot labeling them soft on terrorism. “They might as well vote for it," says Marshall Wittmann, a senior fellow with the centrist Democratic Leadership Conference. “It’s meaningless anyway and will soon be forgotten." Fair-minded people can disagree on whether the Times made the right call on the need to publish. These editorial decisions are not made lightly, but whichever side you take in the debate, this is not treason. The administration doth protest too much.

The larger point is that journalists have taken up the task of holding this administration accountable. Congress has done nothing. A new book, “The Broken Branch," by congressional scholars Norman Ornstein and Thomas Mann, makes the point that the Republicans who vaulted into the majority in 1994 are either crusaders, for whom the institution is incidental, or opportunists, getting rich at the expense of the institution.

Ornstein and Mann offer some practical solutions in “The Broken Branch," among them that no vote should last longer than 20 minutes. The Republicans held open the vote on the Medicare prescription-drug bill for three hours, from 3 a.m. until 6 a.m., until they won passage by a single vote. When the Democrats were in control, they once stretched the vote for 15 minutes on an important budget resolution. The Republicans, led by then House Whip Dick Cheney, went ballistic. Cheney called Democratic Speaker Jim Wright “a heavy-handed S.O.B." That was in 1988. In the years since, Cheney’s language has remained consistent, and he and his fellow Republicans have developed their own heavy hands. It took the Democrats 40 years in power to develop their sense of entitlement. “The Republicans have a much shorter learning curve," says Ornstein.

The failure of Congress to exercise its authority has amplified the efforts of the Bush administration to expand the power of the executive branch. The fact that the Republicans hold a majority in both the House and the Senate has made it difficult for Democrats to enable hearings or investigations to expose abuses or keep the executive branch in check. Thought Theater has previously reported on the implications of this problem here.

Daniel DiRito | June 30, 2006 | 12:45 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Can Howard Dean's Plan Win In November? genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

With just over four months until the November midterm elections, many are asking whether the Democratic National Committee has positioned the Party to get out the vote and win elections or if the 50 state plan being created by Howard Dean is a much longer term objective that will miss, in 2006, its best opportunity in years. Dean's recent disagreements with Rahm Emmanuel, chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and the less than stellar Democratic turnout in the CA-50 congressional special election have raised doubts about the 50 state plans ability to impact the 2006 election. Art Berman has a good article exploring the topic here at The Nation.

The district was Republican, but Democrats saw the contest between Democrat Francine Busby and Republican Brian Bilbray as an opportunity to pick up a seat--and gain a boost en route to the November Congressional elections. As voters were heading to the polls in Cunningham's district, I asked Democratic Party chair Howard Dean about his party's plan to mobilize voters in the coming mid-term elections. "We're using it in Busby's district," Dean said.

If that was the case, Democrats have reason to worry. And some are--which has led to a bruising fight in Democratic strategy circles between Dean's Democratic National Committee (DNC) and other key party operatives. Busby lost to Bilbray by four percentage points, and worse, a massive Democratic mobilization never materialized.

Dean's immediate focus in Busby's district, as he explained to me, was to target people who voted in 2004 but not in 2002. Yet Republicans out-hustled and out-mobilized Democrats on the ground in Bilbray's victory, spending twice as much money, making six times as many phone calls to voters and airlifting in 100 staffers from Capitol Hill. "There was dramatically lower turnout than we expected," said one Democratic operative in the district. Busby got half as many votes as Kerry, and only improved upon Kerry's 44 percent take by less than 1 percent.

In mid-June only 3 percent of voters showed up for the Democratic primary to choose a Senate challenger to George Allen in Virginia, five times lower than the last contested Democratic primary. "Democrats have not yet felt the fire and energy that they felt in 2004," EMILY's List president Ellen Malcolm ominously wrote to donors recently.

As I read this information, I was drawn to a couple of significant items. Specifically, the reported lack of turnout and the absence of Democratic voter enthusiasm don’t match what one finds on the web at many netroots sites. The contradictions are worth exploring. Despite the large number of visitors these vocal and visible sites garner, the question is whether those numbers represent a Democratic voter groundswell or simply the concentration of an undoubtedly large number of like minded individuals.

As I attempt to analyze the situation, it seems worthwhile to look at some of the actual numbers. According to a 2005 report by The New Politics Institute, the top 1000 political blogs (both conservative and progressive) generate approximately three million unique visitors each day...up from 500,000 over the prior two years. The increase is both significant and impressive but when these numbers are dispersed over the entire voting public, they offer some explanation for the observation that perceived Democratic voter enthusiasm hasn't translated into increased voter turnout.

A comparison might be helpful. In 2004, union membership in the United States was approximately 15.5 million. Of that number, one would be safe to conclude that a majority are Democrats. At the same time, they are typically more politically active than the average voter. Nonetheless, most political observers feel that unions have had a diminishing influence on elections. Given the relative numbers (union members vs. progressive blog readers), while the progressive blogosphere has garnered attention from the media, it remains to be seen what impact they can actually have on elections. What isn't available and might be helpful to the analysis is the percentage of visitors to progressive blogs that are also union members. Without knowing the actual make-up of blog readers it is difficult to conclude whether they are newly engaged voters or simply existing Democratic voters who have aligned with similar thinking Democrats to make up the bulk of the progressive blogosphere.

Actual election results have failed to demonstrate that the progressive blogosphere has actually been able to change the outcome or the turnout. The fact that they bring like minded individuals together and have been able to focus attention on specific elections across the country as well as raise funds for candidates identified as progressives has been notable yet perhaps insignificant. The voter data has simply not supported the notion that there is a palpable impact. For example, the Busby race attracted significant online attention and national support for her candidacy but while those who participated in the race from afar were engaged, it apparently didn't translate to the voters within the district. The same has been seen in other high profile races that have caught the attention of the progressive blogosphere.

The Connecticut Democratic senate primary race between Lieberman and Lamont is the latest focus of the progressive blogosphere. Lamont, the progressive challenger, has done quite well in his efforts to unseat Joe Lieberman and has significantly narrowed the gap as the August primary approaches. The problem that I see is similar to the situation in Virginia whereby only three percent of voters turned out for the primary election. Given a similarly low voter turnout, Lamont may well be able to win the Democratic nomination but may be unable to win the November election. Polling shows that Lieberman would win the seat if he ran as an independent against Lamont and the Republican challenger.

With this in mind, I return to the midterm election strategy. In the midst of conflicting strategies, one wonders if any of the various approaches can muster ample voters to defeat the Republicans. Howard Dean frequently cites the favorable comments from those he has placed in positions within the various state Party structures as evidence that the fifty state plan is working. Whether that can be translated into larger voter turnout is yet to be seen.

It sounded simple, but the "50 State Strategy" was a radical idea for a party accustomed to organizing only around election time, in toss-up states. Dean delivered immediately, giving each state a minimum of two to three field organizers. In places like Mississippi, that was more staff than the party had previously employed altogether. "I'm basically trying to rebuild the infrastructure of a party that doesn't have any," Dean says. With a few exceptions, state DNC chairs rave about him. "I couldn't be more impressed by the DNC," says Chris Redfern, chair of the Ohio Democratic Party. "We're way ahead of the curve," says Dan Parker, Indiana's Democratic chair.

Dean's approach is similar to the one he employed when running for the Democratic presidential nomination. I closely followed his campaign and it certainly appeared that he had a network of supporters throughout the country. Many see the current progressive blogosphere as an extension of Dean's efforts. Regardless, the 2004 Iowa caucus results, which most political observers believe is all about having people on the ground within the state, seemed to indicate that the Dean model had failed. As I've attempted to understand the particulars, my suspicion is that the structure in Iowa, and possibly the fifty state structures, simply doesn’t have the depth that is needed to win voters. The fact that Dean was a leader in the use of the internet in the 2004 presidential campaign allowed him to amass like minded individuals and gain a significant funding advantage...but it never translated into a groundswell of voters needed to carry state primaries. Dean frequently cites his fundraising efforts, and while they have been successful, many are concerned that his use of the funds may be questionable.

But the DNC and the state parties lag behind their GOP rivals. Dean did keep pace with DNC fundraising in '04, but he has been on a spending spree, pouring millions into updating voter technology and boosting state party organizations. As a result the RNC, as of May, has four times as much cash to spend on November as the DNC--$43 million to $10.3 million. This has caused Democrats to fear that Republicans can fund last-minute ad campaigns and turnout efforts that Democrats will be unable to counter. And Republican state parties boast a financial advantage in thirty-two states. "Voters start paying attention late in the game," says the Democratic operative. "That's when you need resources. And there's a worry those resources won't be there." Button, who is coordinating the campaigns in Tennessee, agrees. "I asked Dean point blank a month ago: How much money can I count on you for? He said they've done all they're gonna do."

Officials at the DNC talk about stealing the Republican playbook. But in reality Dean is performing a difficult juggling act, devolving power to the states while trying to win respect for his long-term vision inside the Beltway. "The number-one sport in Washington is to take shots at the DNC chair," the Democratic operative jokes.

Dean's 50 State Strategy could be the blueprint for his party's revival. But winning elections--particularly this November--would help, too.

I've previously written that Karl Rove understands the American voter and in so doing realizes that voters are busy and that they ultimately devote minimal time to elections. The notion that Howard Dean's efforts are an attempt to emulate the Republican strategy may be a misnomer. To assume that Rove believes in a grassroots strategy is naive and speaks to a superficial analysis. While it often appears that the Republicans have grassroots constituencies, I would argue that they actually have "issue" constituencies that Rove has been able to manipulate. By identifying specific issues, he is quickly able to determine the numbers needed to win an election. Once the groups are identified, the strategy is to target messages to those groups in order to win their support. The coalition isn't the result of a groundswell of voters who guide the Party; rather the coalition is the result of shepherding large voting blocks into the Party with narrow messages delivered by co-opted leaders within those specific groups who receive access to power and influence in exchange for delivering the voters. The distinction is subtle but significant.

An example might be helpful. Dean and some other Democrats have talked about courting religious voters in an attempt to expand the voter base. The problem with the strategy is the absence of an enticing message. Stating that one would welcome such voters to the Party is far different than offering them a tangible message that meets their objectives. Aside from extending an invitation, what is it the Democrats are offering these voters that is more tangible than that offered by the Republican Party? Sadly, these voters aren't looking for acceptance...they are looking for change. The Democrats simply aren't offering these voters what they want and by courting such voters the Party may be neglecting middle of the road voters that could actually be enticed by a meaningful message...if one were created and delivered.

In the end, the Democrats will fail if they continue to determine their strategy as a reaction to the Republican strategy. Attempts to replicate the Republican efforts cannot succeed without the necessary messages. Attempting to deliver messages to some Republican voting blocks is a waste of time, effort, and money. Democrats need to look at the make-up of the voting public, decide which blocks of voters they can win over with the appropriate messages and determine if it is an actual voter majority. If not, they need to determine where the messages can be altered to garner other voters. Recent forays to court all voters are simply viewed as an indecisive and convoluted message that fails to inspire or influence enough voters. There is mounting evidence that the Democrats aren't developing or don't have the messages necessary to win.

Daniel DiRito | June 30, 2006 | 8:43 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Supreme Court: Military Tribunals Not Acceptable genre: Just Jihad & Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

In a 5-3 decision, the Supreme Court has ruled that the Bush administration may not use military tribunals to try detainees held at Guantanamo Bay. Chief Justice John Roberts recused himself from the case as he previously ruled in favor of the administration in a lower court decision. Read the full article here.

The 5-3 ruling means officials will have to come up with a new policy to prosecute at least 10 so-called "enemy combatants" awaiting trial -- it does not dispute the government's right to detain suspects.

The enemy combatant designation, according to the Bush administration, means the suspect can be held without charges in a military prison without the protections of the U.S. criminal justice system, such as the right to counsel --a status the court rejected.

The case was a major test of President Bush's authority as commander in chief in during war. Bush has aggressively asserted the power of the government to capture, detain, and prosecute suspected terrorists in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.

"The military commission at issue is not expressly authorized by any congressional act," said Justice John Paul Stevens, writing for the majority. The tribunals, he said, "must be understood to incorporate at least the barest of those trial protections that have been recognized by customary international law."

Clearly, the Court felt the President had exceeded his authority in determining how to treat enemy combatants as a part of the administration's "war on terror". The 5-3 ruling points out the importance of any future Supreme Court appointments. There is little doubt that President Bush would like to make an additional appointment that would likely create a 5-4 conservative majority that could jeopardize a number of prior rulings including Roe v. Wade. Since the Bush administration will be in a position to make appointments for the next two years, the outcome of the November midterm elections may well decide if the President will have the necessary votes to get another conservative appointment approved.

Daniel DiRito | June 29, 2006 | 8:40 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Colbert: Orange Juice Commercials Make You Gay genre: Gaylingual & Polispeak & Tongue-In-Cheek & Video-Philes

Daniel DiRito | June 29, 2006 | 7:56 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Pentagon: Gay Not A Disorder But Don't Join Military genre: Gaylingual & Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

The Pentagon issued a statement on Wednesday in which it retracted the statement from a Pentagon document that homosexuality is a mental disorder. At the same time, the Pentagon sought to make clear that the clarification in no way altered the position that openly gay individuals are not permitted in the military. Read the full article here.

After a 1996 Pentagon document placing homosexuality among a list of "certain mental disorders" came to light this month, the American Psychiatric Association and a handful of lawmakers asked the Defense Department to change its view.

The Pentagon said in a statement: "Homosexuality should not have been characterized as a mental disorder in an appendix of a procedural instruction. A clarification will be issued over the next few days."

"Notwithstanding its inclusion, we find no practical impact since that appendix simply listed factors that do not constitute a physical disability, and homosexuality of course does not," the Pentagon added.

The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network said the rate of troops discharged under the "don't ask, don't tell" policy had fallen by about 40 percent since the beginning of U.S. military operations following the September 11 attacks on the United States.

"There is no good reason for keeping the ban in place and there's every good reason for repealing it," Ralls said. "It's discriminatory and robbing the military of talented men and women who want to serve. It's unnecessary. We've seen bans lifted among our closest allies. In Iraq and Afghanistan, Americans are serving alongside openly gay British troops."

Daniel DiRito | June 28, 2006 | 4:25 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Supreme Court Rules On Redistricting genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

The long awaited decision of the Supreme Court with regards to the Texas redistricting efforts led by Tom DeLay may help Democrats in one district, although that remains uncertain until the new district mapping is completed. On the whole, the ruling seems to open the possibility that other state legisaltures may attempt to redraw districts outside of the previous guidelines that coordinated with the ten year time frame for the U.S. Census. The decision may make redistricting efforts an increasingly partisan undertaking and it may happen far more frequently. Read the full article here.

The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld most of the pro-Republican Texas congressional map engineered by former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay and freed all states to draw new political boundaries as often as they want.

The ruling did not make clear whether or not lower courts or the state would have to change congressional district boundaries before the November elections.

Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, writing for a 5-4 majority, said Hispanics do not have a chance to elect a candidate of their choosing in south and west Texas under the state's plan.

The court ruled 7-2 that state legislators may draw new congressional maps anytime — not just once a decade as Texas Democrats had claimed and has been traditional nationwide. That means any state's lawmakers can push through new maps anytime there is a power shift in the Legislature.

Kennedy's decision did not specify how quickly the lines of District 23 must be redrawn, but he said that more than one district would be affected.

"The districts in south and west Texas will have to be redrawn to remedy the violation in District 23, and we have no cause to pass on the legitimacy of a district that must be changed," he wrote.

Daniel DiRito | June 28, 2006 | 12:07 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Poll: Democrats Look Good For Fall genre: Polispeak

The latest USA Today / Gallup Poll seems to support the notion that Democrats may be poised to pick up seats in the fall midterm elections. Read the full article here.

WASHINGTON — Americans are paying unusually close attention to the congressional elections in November, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, and they are more inclined to deliver big gains to Democrats than in any year since Republicans swept to control of the House and Senate in 1994.

President Bush looms as a significant drag: 39% of those surveyed say they are less likely to vote for a candidate who supports Bush. Just 21% say they would be more likely.

Voters are interested in the election at levels not usually seen in non-presidential years. More than a third have thought "quite a lot" about the congressional elections. Seven of 10 say they are very motivated to get out and vote this year.

Democrats are particularly engaged: 56% of Democrats say they are "more enthusiastic about voting than usual," the highest level of enthusiasm since the question was first asked in 1994. In comparison, 43% of Republicans say they are more enthusiastic than usual.

Americans are increasingly likely to identify themselves as Democrats. Including those who "lean" to one party or the other, 55% call themselves Democrats, 38% Republicans — the biggest edge for Democrats since 1998. By 54%-38%, those surveyed say they'd vote for the Democratic congressional candidate over the Republican one in their district if the election was held today.

Democrats are preferred by double digits over Republicans to handle four of the five top issues: Iraq, government corruption, the economy and health care. Republicans are preferred by 11 percentage points on handling terrorism.

Daniel DiRito | June 28, 2006 | 11:39 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Mad TV: Grey's Anatomy Spoof genre: Tongue-In-Cheek & Video-Philes

Daniel DiRito | June 27, 2006 | 10:28 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Limbaugh: Taking Hypocrisy To Another Level genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation & Tongue-In-Cheek

Blue dress - blue pill

So how much longer can Rush Limbaugh remain the poster boy for Republican values? First he is found to be obtaining prescription pain medication from multiple doctors and admits he has an addiction to painkillers...reportedly the result of prolonged pain. Now the self-righteous Limbaugh is reported to have been stopped at Palm Beach International Airport with a bottle of prescription Viagra in the name of a physician. Read the full article here.

Customs officials found a prescription bottle labeled as Viagra in his luggage that didn't have Limbaugh's name on it, but that of two doctors, said Paul Miller, spokesman for the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office.

A doctor had prescribed the drug, but it was "labeled as being issued to the physician rather than Mr. Limbaugh for privacy purposes," Roy Black, Limbaugh's attorney, said in a statement.

The matter was referred to the sheriff's office, whose investigators interviewed Limbaugh. According to Miller, Limbaugh said that the Viagra was for his use, and that he obtained it from his doctors.

Investigators confiscated the drugs, which treats erectile dysfunction, and Limbaugh was released without being charged.

The sheriff's office plans to file a report with the state attorney's office. Miller said it could be a second-degree misdemeanor violation.

Limbaugh reached a deal last month with prosecutors who had accused the conservative talk-show host of illegally deceiving multiple doctors to receive overlapping painkiller prescriptions. Under the deal, the charge, commonly referred to as "doctor shopping," would be dismissed after 18 months if he continues to submit to random drug tests and treatment for his acknowledged addiction to painkillers.

Daniel DiRito | June 27, 2006 | 7:13 AM | link
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Irony Illuminates: E. Pierce Marshall Dead At 67 genre: Happy Remembrances & Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation & Uncivil Unions

While this isn't the most newsworthy story, I think it speaks to a number of issues that seem to plague society and the human condition and provides a platform for discussion. Most readers may not recognize the name in the headline because this story is best known as the Anna Nicole Smith inheritance case. E. Pierce Marshall was the son of J. Howard Marshall II, the man who married Smith when he was 89 and she was a mere 26. E. Pierce Marshall has been battling Smith in court for over ten years with regards to his father's fortune. The Associated Press reports that Marshall died suddenly this past Tuesday at the age of 67 from the rapid onset of an aggressive infection.

From Wikipedia:

Within weeks after J. Howard's death on August 4, 1995, Smith squared off against his son, E. Pierce Marshall, for half of her late husband's $1.6 billion estate. Smith joined forces with J. Howard's other son, James Howard Marshall III, whom the elder Howard had disowned. Howard III claimed J. Howard verbally promised him a portion of his estate; like Smith, Howard III was also left out of J. Howard's will, which he updated weeks after their marriage. [1] The case has gone on for more than a decade, producing a highly publicized court battle in Texas and several judicial decisions that have gone both for and against Smith in that time.

Smith claimed J. Howard verbally promised her half of his estate if she married him. In September, 2000, a Los Angeles bankruptcy judge awarded Smith $449,754,134. Pierce appealed, and in July 2001, Houston judge Mike Wood vacated that award and ordered Anna Nicole to pay over $1 million in fees and expenses to Pierce's legal team. In March 2002, she was awarded $88 million. In December 2004, a three-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the March 2002 decision, saying that Smith is not one of J. Howard Marshall's heirs. [2] The U.S. Supreme Court decided in September of 2005 to hear the appeal of that decision. The Bush Administration subsequently directed the Solicitor General to intercede on Smith's behalf out of an interest to protect federal court jurisdiction in state probate disputes.

After months of waiting, Anna Nicole and her step-son Pierce learned of the Supreme Court's decision on May 1, 2006. The justices unanimously decided in favor of Smith. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote the majority opinion, stating that Smith should get a chance to pursue her claims in federal court.

This decision does not give Smith a portion of her husband's estate, it merely reaffirms that she has the right to fight for it in federal court. It is expected that the long-running legal drama will not end any time soon, because another trial to determine the legitimacy of her claims will need to begin, possibly followed by more appeals and delays.

I've watched the case for years with curiosity...but more with dismay at the intransigence exhibited by E. Pierce Marshall. Before you conclude that I am simply taking the side of Anna Nicole Smith, let me say that I have no doubt that she is an opportunist. Nonetheless, during the many years of costly legal wrangling, the estate of his father and her husband has remained in trust and has been inaccessible to either. At any point along the way the issue could have been reasonably resolved. Understanding why it wasn't is what I find so fascinating, so ironic, and so sad.

E. Pierce Marshall's family released the following statement with the announcement of his death:

“Mr. Marshall leaves behind a legacy of being, first and foremost, a remarkable husband, father and grandfather, a successful business visionary and a man of unrivaled perseverance and principle," the Margulies statement said.

Before I continue, let me acknowledge that I don't know any of the participants personally and I haven't read all of the related filings and documents. Regardless, I sometimes think we humans have a tendency to ignore the obvious because it allows us to avoid examining our own actions. I think this situation contains a number of elements that warrant exploration. In so doing, I also believe one can find significant irony as well as meaningful guidance.

Getting back to the family's statement, two things immediately caught my attention. One, there is no mention of Mr. Marshall being a "remarkable son"...an omission that, in my mind, says more than the remainder of the statement. Secondly, I interpret the portion that reads, "a man of unrivaled perseverance and principle" to be an attempt to justify the years of fighting for his father's fortune.

As I look at the broader picture, which includes the Wikipedia information that Smith was joined in her efforts to receive a portion of the elder Marshall's estate by Marshall's other son, James Howard Marshall III, who was previously disowned by his father, one thing stands out above all else...it seems clear that money holds more value than love for all of these people.

First we have a father who has amassed a huge fortune and finds himself alone at 89, estranged from one son by choice, wielding his wealth to buy "love" from a woman that he barely knows. We have a 26 year old woman who is willing to offer "love" to a man she can have very little in common with in exchange for receiving the security she believes his wealth can bring. Their only connection they possess is having the same mentality with regard to the mechanics of love and relationships...they are bargains made from positions of power...whether that power exudes from a check book or a pair of large breasts squeezing from a tight dress it is one and the same.

As I deconstruct the situation it only gets worse. We have two sons vying for dads "love"...one previously disowned (cut off from the checkbook) and one subsequently betrayed when his father opens his checkbook to obtain the "love" he perceives can be found within the confines of a short skirt. Is it any wonder that E. Pierce Marshall spent over a decade battling the two individuals who he perceived were "love" interlopers?

Here we have the chosen son...a man who could likely cite the numerous "sacrifices" he made to remain "loved", feeling that these two people...a bad brother and a questionable wife...who did not endure the years of surrender that were required to demonstrate "love" and receive it in return...having positioned themselves to receive half of the senior Marshall's "legacy of love". Sadly, amongst the entire lot, I would venture that one couldn't find a scintilla of actual love...and yet if it is the only love you have ever known it breaks the heart nonetheless.

It has been my experience that these types of legacies are apt to be perpetuated from generation to generation as the construct of love remains the same. It is unfortunately the only love they know. In the end, the only thing that exceeds the irony of this situation is the reality that so many people can live so far removed from love and yet still be so assuredly heartbroken.

It also speaks to so much of what we see in society with regards to conflict and compromise. When society’s notion of love is a convolution of negotiations and bargains, love is not a feeling but an equation. When it becomes a calculation, it is subject to constant measure as we substitute quantification for commitment.

This is manifested over and over…in the amount of money and effort put into weddings, in the house a newlywed couple purchases, in the vacations they take, in the jobs they hold and the income they make, in the successes of the children they have in comparison to other couples children. A good wife has a good education, a good job, a prominent family. A good husband has an important title, influential friends, and a promising future.

The resulting impact of this dynamic is best viewed through the issue of gay marriage. Those opposed to gay marriage want love to be hierarchical…they want the love of a man for a woman to be granted status because they are unable to measure love otherwise. If the love between two men or two women is given equal standing, they feel their love is diminished…a tortured rationale of relativism that pervades the concepts of marriage and love and that likely explains the increasing failure rate of marriages.

Religion is treated much the same. It becomes a matter of negotiation and bargaining. People capitulate to a set of morals or values in exchange for the promise of an afterlife in an effort to overcome the terror of mortality. That is just the beginning. Once one chooses to participate in religion, the next objective is to assess the “rightness" of ones particular religion which of course culminates in more relative conclusions…such that one religion is better than another…which leads us to which religion has the “documents" to prove their superior status. At this point, the battle to determine how society should function becomes the preoccupation and there is a mad rush to assert “rightness".

So what do we have? We have individuals who are raised with a flawed vision of love that begin to focus on quantifiable relativism. They then take that construct of “lovability", which has been irreversibly tied to their sense of worth and identity, with them into future relationships and interactions with society…ever intent on obtaining the necessary markers to support ones “lovability" such that it is virtually impossible to redirect or extinguish the need for more accelerated and tangibly measurable reinforcement.

In direct conflict with the concept of actual love, whereby a portion of ones sense of self (narcissism if you will) is directed towards another human being, many people see marriage and all future interactions as opportunities to enhance ones “lovability" status by obtaining those things that are quantifiably synonymous with the definition of love. In other words the ego and the identity still need to be fed and will likely be that way forever…as opposed to being already evolved such that it is at maturation or satiation whereby it can offer “love" to another person or to society as a selfless and altruistic act.

From here, we see the motivations and the mechanisms that form the basis of the society’s “body politic"…which is ultimately the source from which an individual or a group of like-minded individuals can secure the means (power) to not only obtain additional identity reinforcement, but to direct and determine it consistent with ones particular set of hierarchical mores or measurements.

Again, in direct conflict with the concept of public service, whereby a portion of ones sense of self (narcissism) is directed towards the advancement and betterment of society, many people see public service (politics) as the next progressive opportunity to enhance status (lovability). With politics, as distinct from marriage, the individual is seeking to institutionalize ones status by legislating (proving) that those quantifiable things the individual has sought are in fact not only synonymous with their definitional constructs, but also with “rightness"…which therefore serves to reward and reinforce the validity of all previous and future efforts and actions.

The problems this creates in society and particularly with the prosecution of politics is an inability to compromise because doing so is equated with undermining the identity and the “rightness" of the beliefs that support any particular individual or group identity. As such, politics (public service) becomes a vehicle that is used for reinforcing individuals in concert with like minded individuals and is no longer premised upon providing for the greater good of the society as a whole because the greater good may not match the beliefs held by an individual politician and his supporting constituent voters.

Sadly, the Anna Nicole Smith case seems to be representative of the problems we see within the society as a whole. All too often the same misguided motivations, the same intransigence, and the same dissociation of real values from the behaviors that have become mere symbols of values are being witnessed in the individual, the society, and the body politic. E. Pierce Marshall will never receive the wealth of his father that he seemingly, though incorrectly, equated with love. He no longer has the opportunity to examine or alter his life. The rest of us humans still have the time necessary to determine that compromise need not mean that we are no longer worthwhile or whole. I simply hope we can find the strength to absorb that important realization.

Daniel DiRito | June 24, 2006 | 8:46 AM | link | Comments (3)
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Ali G (Bruno) Visits Alabama genre: Gaylingual & Tongue-In-Cheek & Video-Philes

Daniel DiRito | June 23, 2006 | 4:21 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Catholic Parishes To Seek Anti-Gay Petition Signings genre: Gaylingual & Hip-Gnosis & Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

While Episcopalians’ and Protestants appear to be moving closer to embracing gays, the Catholic Church in Colorado has decided it will circulate and gather petition signatures at Sunday mass in support of a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. The churches will also solicit signatures on a measure to ban "late term" abortions. Read the letter from Archbishop Charles Chaput of the Archdiocese of Denver here.

Over the next few weeks the Colorado Catholic Conference will begin a major effort on two key ballot measures for Colorado voters this fall: the protection of marriage and the prohibition of late-term abortions.

bq. This year’s state marriage amendment — Initiative 83 — will go a long way to protecting marriage as the cornerstone of our culture. A state amendment, because it becomes part of Colorado’s constitution, has much more gravity and durability than a state law, which depends on the current views of every future state legislative session. The passage of a state marriage amendment will help ensure the future by defending the integrity of marriage and the family.

I ask you and all our fellow Catholics to sign petitions as they become available over the next few weeks at our parishes. The Colorado Catholic Conference will be assisting each parish in Colorado to conduct signature drives on both the state marriage amendment and the state late-term abortion ban. We need to collect, as a state-wide community, at least 68,000 valid signatures for each petition in order to put these two important issues on the ballot this fall, and thus give Coloradans the chance to protect marriage and new, unborn life with their votes.

One of the lessons Colorado Catholics have learned over the past several years is that only when we actively engage public issues with an energy and conscience informed by our faith and our moral convictions, do we truly live as “faithful citizens." We serve the common good best by being true to what we claim to believe — both in the public square and in our private lives.

Note the Archbishop's final statement which attempts to coyly state that voting for any politician that might oppose the Church's position on these two issues would be a breach of ones obligation to live as a "faithful citizen". It seems to me that the Church is walking a fine line with its tax exempt status. How these efforts cannot be construed as political contributions is beyond me. Those who are promoting these amendments would otherwise have to hire companies or individuals to collect petition signatures...this certainly looks like an in-kind contribution to me.

Daniel DiRito | June 23, 2006 | 11:22 AM | link | Comments (1)
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Make Tracks genre: Front and Center & Snapshot Thoughts

Streets of London - 2004
Can Anyone Be Lost If We All Walk In The Same Circles?

Daniel DiRito | June 23, 2006 | 9:18 AM | link | Comments (0)
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The Daily Show: Anderson Cooper Discusses CNN genre: Gaylingual & Tongue-In-Cheek & Video-Philes

Daniel DiRito | June 22, 2006 | 9:01 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Has GOP Miscalculated On Immigration? genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

New polling indicates Republican voters may not be content to see the Party delay any immigration reform past the end of 2006 and it appears that these same voters may not agree with the Republican controlled House on how to handle those illegal’s who are already in the United States. You can find the entire Reuters article here.

The poll, commissioned by the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, found that 82 per cent of likely Republican voters supported tightening the borders and imposing tougher penalties on illegal immigrants and employers who hire them.

It said about 80 percent of Republicans support an earned legalization program to give immigrants legal status. The majority, 68 percent, also oppose deportation for illegal immigrants, the poll said.

Thought Theater previously commented on the possible calculations being made by the GOP with regards to immigration here. There has been speculation that the victory in the CA-50 race to replace jailed Congressman Duke Cunningham may have been the result of Republican candidate Brian Bilbray's tough position on immigration. It appears to me that some regional races may have their own particular immigration dynamics but the overall sentiment of GOP voters may present a problem for the Party in other races. It is easy to see why the GOP has seemingly elected to shy away from this difficult issue.

About 72 per cent of the Republicans surveyed said it was important to solve the problem of illegal immigration this year, according to the poll.

But the House and Senate, both under Republican control, have passed competing versions that must be reconciled to become law. The House version calls for tough border control and workplace enforcement but does not include a citizenship plan as in the Senate's version.

Republican congressional leaders say it will be hard to complete a bill before November's midterm elections. Some Republicans called for new hearings that could postpone an agreement even more.

Perhaps the most significant data in the poll are the following numbers that show national security and immigration as the top two issues for GOP voters. My impression is that the Republicans will attempt to make security a feature of their midterm campaign while attempting to portray Democrats as weak on terror. However, if the Republicans actually ignore the immigration issue, I believe it provides the Democrats an opportunity to counter the GOP's "strong on security" midterm strategy. Without passage of tougher border security, Democrats should be able to argue that the country is not, in fact, any safer.

National security is still the top concern for the Republican voters at 20 percent, but immigration came second in the poll at 15 percent.

Daniel DiRito | June 22, 2006 | 5:16 PM | link | Comments (0)
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The Makings Of An October Surprise? genre: Just Jihad & Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

Today's remarks by General Casey, that seem to indicate some troop reduction in Iraq by years end, coupled with yesterdays Associated Press article outlining a significant reduction in military equipment in the troubled country may be the makings of an...

Daniel DiRito | June 22, 2006 | 9:28 AM | link
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Middle Class Neighborhoods On The Decline genre: Indie-Script & Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

In a study released on Tuesday by the Brookings Institution, it appears that there is more evidence of the income divide within the United States. The study looked at the decline of middle class neighborhoods in a number of American...

Daniel DiRito | June 22, 2006 | 7:53 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Colbert On Gay Marriage & Snake Lovin' genre: Gaylingual & Tongue-In-Cheek & Uncivil Unions & Video-Philes

Daniel DiRito | June 21, 2006 | 7:51 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Presbyterians & Episcopals Vote To Support Gays genre: Gaylingual & Hip-Gnosis & Six Degrees of Speculation

While the Pope and the Catholic Church continue to issue negative statements about homosexuality and gay marriage, the Presbyterians and Episcopals in the United States have both voted on measures that offer increasing acceptance and support to gays. The Advocate...

Daniel DiRito | June 21, 2006 | 4:32 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Immigration Politics genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

The immigration debate has been the focus of extensive media attention as there are numerous political considerations here. It now appears that there will not be an immigration bill before the midterm elections as the differences between the House and...

Daniel DiRito | June 21, 2006 | 2:53 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Democratic Divisions On Iraq On Display In Senate genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

Today's Senate debate on Iraq will provide a clear story line for Republicans to highlight the inability of Democrats to reach a consensus position. While Democrats are attempting to construe the competing proposals as more a matter of timing than...

Daniel DiRito | June 21, 2006 | 1:58 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Senate Fails To Pass Minimum Wage Hike genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

The minimum wage increase sought by Democrats was defeated in the Senate today. The defeat means that the minimum wage will remain at $5.15 per hour. The last increase was nearly ten years ago. The Washington Post has the full...

Daniel DiRito | June 21, 2006 | 1:23 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Stephen Colbert Goes To Journalism School genre: Tongue-In-Cheek & Video-Philes

Daniel DiRito | June 21, 2006 | 7:32 AM | link | Comments (0)
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U.S. Considers Shooting Down N. Korea Missile genre: Just Jihad & Polispeak

The Associated Press reports that the United States is considering the possibility of shooting down the missile to be launched in tests being conducted by North Korea. The Bush administration is weighing responses to a possible North Korean missile test...

Daniel DiRito | June 20, 2006 | 9:10 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Political Strategy: Beyond Extremist Labels genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

The following posting is the second entry in a continuing Thought Theater dialogue on political strategy. The first posting, Political Strategy: The Opening Dialogue, can be found here. Recent comments by Ann Coulter have led many to try to determine...

Daniel DiRito | June 20, 2006 | 3:11 PM | link | Comments (2)
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Labor Department: Wages Declining genre: Indie-Script & Polispeak

Amid growing concern about inflation and the economy, recent Labor Department figures show wages may be in a period of increasing decline. Read the full Bloomberg article here. See prior Thought Theater postings on the economy here, here, and...

Daniel DiRito | June 20, 2006 | 7:30 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Cheney: Executive Power Has Been Restored genre: Polispeak

Vice President Dick Cheney spoke before the National Press Club yesterday and asserted that the efforts of the Bush administration have prevented terrorist attacks in the United States. He went on to say that the NSA domestic surveillance program is...

Daniel DiRito | June 20, 2006 | 6:46 AM | link | Comments (2)
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Murtha On Meet The Press genre: Polispeak & Video-Philes

Daniel DiRito | June 19, 2006 | 8:25 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Ali G Interviews Sam Donaldson genre: Tongue-In-Cheek & Video-Philes

Daniel DiRito | June 17, 2006 | 7:30 AM | link | Comments (0)
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DiVinyls: I Touch Myself genre: Tuned Out & Video-Philes

A fun song for a fine Friday afternoon!...

Daniel DiRito | June 16, 2006 | 4:27 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Democrats Continue To Appear Divided genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

Despite Nancy Pelosi's efforts to offer an all encompassing Democratic message on Iraq, pressures within the various Party factions threaten to unravel the attempts to portray the Party as unified. The Hill has the full story here. A series of...

Daniel DiRito | June 16, 2006 | 9:48 AM | link | Comments (0)
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SNL Spoofs "Caulking" (Adult Content) genre: Gaylingual & Tongue-In-Cheek & Video-Philes

Home & Garden TV - video powered by Metacafe...

Daniel DiRito | June 15, 2006 | 6:07 PM | link | Comments (1)
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Mine Safety: Canada vs. U.S. (Update) genre: Indie-Script & Little Red Ribbon-Hood & Six Degrees of Speculation

Update: President Bush signed into law a new bill that improves U.S. mine safety standards, however the law remains far short of the measures in place in Canada that have saved the lives of numerous miners that would have likely...

Daniel DiRito | June 15, 2006 | 2:51 PM | link | Comments (7)
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The Democratic Party: Netroot Calculations genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

Wednesday's remarks by Senator Chuck Schumer, hinting that the Democratic Party would support Joe Lieberman even if he were to lose the Party nomination to Ned Lamont and run as an Independent, have angered many on the left...especially those identified...

Daniel DiRito | June 15, 2006 | 11:31 AM | link | Comments (0)
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The Democratic Party's Iraq Dilemma genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

Polling shows that the war in Iraq is the single most important issue to voters as we move towards the November midterm elections. The latest NBC/WSJ poll clearly points out the importance Iraq holds as Democrats attempt to craft a...

Daniel DiRito | June 14, 2006 | 7:11 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Bush Bounce: One Whole Point genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

It appears that recent news from Iraq has helped improve the publics perception of the handling of the war in Iraq. However, President Bush's overall approval rating increased only one percentage point in the latest NBC/WSJ poll. See the...

Daniel DiRito | June 14, 2006 | 6:26 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Dick Cheney To Raise Funds For Anti-Gay Candidate genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

Vice President Cheney will attend a fundraiser in Minnesota for congressional candidate Michele Bachmann, a vocal opponent of gay marriage. Read the full article here and view Bachmann's campaign website here. See prior Thought Theater postings on the subject here...

Daniel DiRito | June 14, 2006 | 4:42 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Four Floors Of Ideas genre: Front and Center & Snapshot Thoughts

If The Mind Had An Elevator, Would More People Attempt To Reach The Highest Level?...

Daniel DiRito | June 14, 2006 | 8:48 AM | link | Comments (0)
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The Daily Show On Zarqawi Death genre: Just Jihad & Tongue-In-Cheek & Video-Philes

Daniel DiRito | June 14, 2006 | 8:33 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Is Kansas On The Mend? genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

Two years ago Thomas Frank used the title of his book to ask the question, "What's The Matter With Kansas?" Today, the Los Angeles Times suggests that Kansas may be the first indication that the Republican Party that once seemed...

Daniel DiRito | June 13, 2006 | 8:47 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Mary Cheney A Victim...I Don't Think So? genre: Gaylingual & Six Degrees of Speculation

Sales of Mary Cheney's book, Now It's My Turn have been poor at best according to an article in The Advocate. The book has sold fewer than 6,000 copies. See a prior Thought Theater tongue-in-cheek visual that is intended to...

Daniel DiRito | June 13, 2006 | 5:01 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Fitzmas Cancelled: Rove Won't Be Charged (Update) genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

Update: Now that Karl Rove appears to be in the clear, the attempts to add the meaningful footnotes to the entire situation have begun. Many on the right have expressed the concern that the reputation of Karl Rove has been...

Daniel DiRito | June 13, 2006 | 4:20 PM | link | Comments (1)
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Plan B: Midterm Election Calculations genre: Hip-Gnosis & Little Red Ribbon-Hood & Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

Former Food and Drug Administration Chief, Lester Crawford, testified that the delay in approving the Plan B contraceptive was primarily to allow more time to determine the guidelines for its distribution. He indicated the administration was trying to determine how...

Daniel DiRito | June 13, 2006 | 1:49 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Heavens to Murtha-troid...What's Up? (Update) genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

Update: Nancy Pelosi had announced that Congressman John Murtha has suspended his bid to become the majority leader in the event that the Democrats win control of the House. The announcement leaves open the possibility that Murtha will seek the...

Daniel DiRito | June 13, 2006 | 1:18 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Gay Marriage: The Democrat's Hot Potato genre: Gaylingual & Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

With the recent debate in the Senate on a constitutional amendment to define marriage as being only between a man and a woman and Howard Dean's misstep on the Party position on the issue, gay rights groups have become more...

Daniel DiRito | June 13, 2006 | 11:04 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Pelosi: Define Dems Agenda Or Republicans Will genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

Recent remarks by Nancy Pelosi indicate she understands the dangers of allowing Republicans to define the Democratic agenda. In a statement of clarity and candor, Pelosi stated, "“What we have to do is define ourselves so that Republicans do not...

Daniel DiRito | June 13, 2006 | 9:19 AM | link | Comments (0)
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SNL: TV Funhouse On George Bush genre: Polispeak & Tongue-In-Cheek & Video-Philes

Daniel DiRito | June 13, 2006 | 7:02 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Justice Department Tries To Shut Down NSA Case genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

In a continuing attempt to prevent the public from grasping the details of the NSA surveillance program, the Justice Department has asked a judge to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the American Cilvil Liberties Union. Read the full New York...

Daniel DiRito | June 12, 2006 | 2:00 PM | link | Comments (0)
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The Dream genre: Rhyme-N-Reason

The category “Rhyme-N-Reason" is intended to be a place to share poetry that stimulates thoughtful reflection. For me, writing poetry is cathartic. It’s a way to encapsulate a group of feelings or thoughts that might be on my mind...

Daniel DiRito | June 12, 2006 | 9:24 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Ali G (Bruno) Interviews Pastor Who Converts Gays genre: Gaylingual & Hip-Gnosis & Tongue-In-Cheek & Video-Philes

Daniel DiRito | June 10, 2006 | 7:37 AM | link | Comments (2)
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Light Posting genre: Indie-Script

Unfortunately, I had to make an unexpected trip out of town last evening and I will have limited access to a decent internet connection. Please feel free to explore the numerous postings contained within the genres in the right hand...

Daniel DiRito | June 10, 2006 | 7:30 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Daily Show: Extension Of Tax Cuts genre: Polispeak & Tongue-In-Cheek & Video-Philes

Daniel DiRito | June 10, 2006 | 7:07 AM | link
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Could Court Ruling Boost Marriage Amendment? genre: Gaylingual & Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

The Associated Press has a good article on the thinking of those opposed to gay marriage and in favor of an amendment to define marriage as only between a man and a woman now that the Senate failed to pass...

Daniel DiRito | June 9, 2006 | 5:21 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Armand Van Helden: Hear My Name (Adult) genre: Tuned Out & Video-Philes

Since its Friday, I felt like a little lighthearted fun. When I first saw this video, I knew I had to watch it again in order to make any sense of what it seeks to impart. I have my...

Daniel DiRito | June 9, 2006 | 12:33 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Christianity & Social Justice genre: Hip-Gnosis & Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

United Press International has an interesting piece on the debate about social justice within religion. The article reviews many of the same issues previously discussed here at Thought Theater as well as at Pharyngula, a science blog. In those particular...

Daniel DiRito | June 9, 2006 | 9:14 AM | link | Comments (1)
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Keith Olberman On Ann Coulter genre: Six Degrees of Speculation & Tongue-In-Cheek & Video-Philes

Daniel DiRito | June 8, 2006 | 4:11 PM | link | Comments (2)
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Daily Show: On Marriage Amendment Hypocrisy genre: Gaylingual & Tongue-In-Cheek & Video-Philes

Daniel DiRito | June 8, 2006 | 3:48 PM | link | Comments (0)
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FDA Approves HPV Vaccine genre: Hip-Gnosis & Little Red Ribbon-Hood & Six Degrees of Speculation

The Food and Drug Administration has approved Merck's cervical cancer vaccine, Gardasil. The vaccine has garnered significant attention from the religious right as many feel the vaccine might encourage children to engage in sexual activity. See prior Thought Theater postings...

Daniel DiRito | June 8, 2006 | 2:54 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Repeal Of Estate Tax Blocked genre: Polispeak

In a close vote, the Senate failed to pass a bill that would have permanently repealed the estate tax. The 57-41 vote was a setback for Republican Senators and the Bush administration. Bloomberg has the full article here. Democrats have...

Daniel DiRito | June 8, 2006 | 10:42 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Ahmadinejad: Iran Ready For Nuclear Talks genre: Just Jihad & Polispeak

The President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, announced that his country was prepared to discuss concerns about the country's nuclear program. Read the full article here. TEHRAN, Iran - Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Thursday that Iran was ready to...

Daniel DiRito | June 8, 2006 | 9:55 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Al-Zarqawi Dead genre: Just Jihad & Polispeak

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a leading al-Qaida insurgency leader in Iraq was killed in an air strike on Wednesday near the city of Baqouba. Read the full story here. Al-Zarqawi and seven aides, including spiritual adviser Sheik Abdul Rahman, were...

Daniel DiRito | June 8, 2006 | 8:19 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Fighting The New War On Terror: Afgh-Ann-A-Skank genre: Polispeak & Snapshot Thoughts & Tongue-In-Cheek

Daniel DiRito | June 7, 2006 | 3:38 PM | link | Comments (4)
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A Blank Look genre: Front and Center & Snapshot Thoughts

Is It Legal To Shoot A Blank Look?...

Daniel DiRito | June 7, 2006 | 1:34 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Jon Stewart Skewers Bill Bennett On Gay Marriage genre: Gaylingual & Hip-Gnosis & Polispeak & Video-Philes

Daniel DiRito | June 7, 2006 | 10:09 AM | link | Comments (0)
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If George Will Won't, I Will genre: Gaylingual & Little Red Ribbon-Hood & Six Degrees of Speculation

The Washington Post ran an op-ed piece by George Will on Tuesday in which he reflected on the "lessons" of the AIDS epidemic some twenty-five years after it first began. You can read the entire piece here. Quite frankly, Will's...

Daniel DiRito | June 6, 2006 | 9:03 PM | link | Comments (6)
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Bernanke Concerned About Economy (Update) genre: Polispeak

Update: After years of listening to Alan Greenspan carefully signal his thoughts on the intentions of the Federal Reserve, economists and financial expersts are attempting to understand the implications of the remarks made by new Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke....

Daniel DiRito | June 6, 2006 | 9:54 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Polling Shows Immigrants Seen More Favorably genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

Recent polling by AP-Ipsos indicates that immigrants are viewed more favorably than in 2004 in the United States and a number of European countries. Read the full article here. See prior Thought Theater postings on the issue here, here, and...

Daniel DiRito | June 6, 2006 | 9:23 AM | link | Comments (0)
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More Vatican Condemnations genre: Gaylingual & Hip-Gnosis & Little Red Ribbon-Hood & Polispeak

Following up on prior condemnations, the Vatican issued a statement expressing strong opposition to abortion, same-sex marriage, and in-vitro fertilization...calling them threats to the traditional family. Read the full article here. See prior Thought Theater postings on the subject here....

Daniel DiRito | June 6, 2006 | 8:51 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Somalia: Warlords Fall To Islamist Rebels genre: Just Jihad & Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

In another sign of increasing Islamist influence in Africa, U.S. backed warlords were reported to have fled the capital city of Mogadishu as Islamist rebels claimed to have taken control of the city. The New York Times has the full...

Daniel DiRito | June 6, 2006 | 8:15 AM | link | Comments (1)
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Al Gore: UK Interview With The Guardian genre: Polispeak & Video-Philes

The following is an interview conducted by Guardian journalist Jonathan Freedland for a UK television station. The video is a little over 30 minutes in length and provides a comprehensive view of Gore's global warming concerns. The video may...

Daniel DiRito | June 5, 2006 | 7:15 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Framing The Marriage Amendment Debate genre: Gaylingual & Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

I ran across an interesting piece on how to combat the rhetoric behind the push to pass a constitutional amendment to prohibit gay marriage here. The author, Jeffrey Feldman, makes some strong arguments that focus on three recommendations. The overriding...

Daniel DiRito | June 5, 2006 | 2:19 PM | link | Comments (0)
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2,000 Pounds...Oh Jesus!! genre: Hip-Gnosis & Snapshot Thoughts & Tongue-In-Cheek

I found this video of Pat Robertson demonstrating his leg pressing abilities. In this video he has the spotters load one thousand pounds onto the machine. Note the use of his hands placed on his legs to assist in...

Daniel DiRito | June 5, 2006 | 10:25 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Political Strategy: The Opening Dialogue genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

This posting is a follow up to my prior postings here and here and is offered in response to the questions and observations that were exchanged in the comments thread. I initially intended to reply in the comments thread but...

Daniel DiRito | June 4, 2006 | 9:41 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Newsweek: Impact Of Gay Marriage genre: Gaylingual & Hip-Gnosis & Polispeak

The June 12 edition of Newsweek takes a look at the potential impact of the issue of gay marriage on the upcoming midterm elections. Read the full article here. Pew polls show a 10-point jump in support for gay marriage...

Daniel DiRito | June 4, 2006 | 8:18 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Protecting Marriage genre: Snapshot Thoughts & Tongue-In-Cheek

Daniel DiRito | June 3, 2006 | 2:03 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Daily Show: Victory Over Phrase "War On Terror" genre: Just Jihad & Polispeak & Tongue-In-Cheek & Video-Philes

Daniel DiRito | June 3, 2006 | 10:43 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Bush Radio Address: Protect Marriage genre: Gaylingual & Polispeak

President Bush used his Saturday morning radio address to further promote his support for an amendment to prohibit gay marriage. Read the full article here. See Thought Theater's prior posting on the Bush strategy here. "Ages of experience have taught...

Daniel DiRito | June 3, 2006 | 9:02 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Clift: Haditha Could Hurt GOP In November genre: Just Jihad & Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

Eleanor Clift reflects on the possibility that the alleged murder of innocent Iraqis in Haditha may have an impact on the Republican Party in the upcoming midterm elections. Read the full Newsweek article here. The administration has a stake in...

Daniel DiRito | June 3, 2006 | 7:51 AM | link | Comments (0)
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The Marriage Amendment Strategy genre: Gaylingual & Hip-Gnosis & Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

There has been ample discussion in the media and on the internet that seems to view the pending vote on a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage as another coming failure for the Bush administration. I disagree. Isn't this move...

Daniel DiRito | June 2, 2006 | 10:22 AM | link | Comments (6)
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Mad TV: Bush - "My Slump...With Blackeyed Peas" genre: Tongue-In-Cheek & Tuned Out & Video-Philes

This video is a Mad TV parody of the Black Eyed Peas song "My Humps" that is about the recent sinking poll numbers of President Bush...hence the name "My Slump". Very funny!...

Daniel DiRito | June 2, 2006 | 8:42 AM | link | Comments (1)
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New al-Zarqawi Tape Promotes Civil War genre: Just Jihad & Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

In a tape recording released Friday, that claims to be the voice of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, he calls on Sunnis to battle Shiites in what appears to be a strategy to foment civil war in a country already struggling with...

Daniel DiRito | June 2, 2006 | 8:11 AM | link | Comments (0)
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New Job Numbers Disappointing genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

The latest jobs report indicates the addition of far fewer jobs than economists had expected. The increase of 70,000 jobs was far below the anticipated increase of 170,000 as reported by the Associated Press here. The count of new jobs...

Daniel DiRito | June 2, 2006 | 7:51 AM | link | Comments (0)
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Bangles: Hazy Shade Of Winter genre: Tuned Out & Video-Philes

Daniel DiRito | June 1, 2006 | 10:02 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Rolling Stone: 2004 Election Irregularities genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. writes in the current edition of Rolling Stone Magazine that "Republicans prevented more than 350,000 voters in Ohio from casting ballots or having their votes counted -- enough to have put John Kerry in the White...

Daniel DiRito | June 1, 2006 | 4:17 PM | link | Comments (0)
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Marilyn Monroe Would Be 80 Years Old Today genre: Happy Remembrances & Indie-Script & Snapshot Thoughts

Daniel DiRito | June 1, 2006 | 11:37 AM | link | Comments (3)
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Ned Lamont: A Wise Netroots Gamble? genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation

At the risk of having my left-leaning credentials pulled, I decided I would venture into a topic that has been ruminating in my head for some time. My goal is to understand and evaluate the objective of those who comprise...

Daniel DiRito | June 1, 2006 | 7:09 AM | link | Comments (8)
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