Life's A House genre: Rhyme-N-Reason

The category “Rhyme-N-Reason" is intended to be a place to share poetry that stimulates thoughtful reflection. For me, writing poetry is cathartic. It’s a way to encapsulate a group of feelings or thoughts that might be on my mind such that when I’m done writing, I experience a level of resolve that is both comforting and motivational. It has the same effect for me as listening to a song with which one has a significant connection. It takes you somewhere you’ve been or to something you’ve felt or experienced and allows you to further interpret the intended meaning or the lesson learned. Hopefully this can be a place for readers to pause and reflect on their own thoughts and feelings. Your comments are welcomed as well as any poetry you might want to share.

I wote this poem called Life's A House while thinking about life and death as a process of renewal. There is great solace in knowing that even though people come and go in this life, humanity persists regardless. Much like a centuries old home, the world continues to be populated with new faces...filled with hopes for the future. Such is the cycle of life. It seemed to be an appropriate sentiment on Mother's Day weekend.

Munich, Germany - 2004


We build a home from stone and glass
The door is locked, the latch is clasped

Draw back the drapes, no view obstructed
The window shutters, the souls constructed

The cold seeps in through double pains
The furnace fires, the heats retained

Electricity flows, the meter races
Guests are welcomed with warm embraces

Layers of life, painted on the walls
Faceless frames adorn the halls
The spirits scream, the silence calls

Who walked before, who slept inside?
A child laughs where ghosts reside

The trees will grow, the shadow spreads
Across the threshold, the traffic ebbs

The heart is weakened, the hearth lies still
The vase sits vacant on the window sill

The house grows old, the stone is cast
The windows shattered, broken glass

And yet within, the circle spins
The deed is done, then death steps in
The house remains, the day begins

Daniel DiRito | May 13, 2006 | 8:48 AM
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1 On May 13, 2006 at 10:41 AM, johnsnakecusak wrote —

This is the first Mother's Day that I won't visit Mom at the old homeplace, so the poem had special meaning to me. Thank You Daniel.

Mom's happy, we had to place her in a nursing home, but she was ready to go, we kept her home for 5 years after her doctor recommended her placement by daily visits and so on.

My son bought her house, and the whole family is happy about that, and as your poem says, a new "day begins". In her case, an upbeat ending to a very Upbeat life lived well.

Happy Mother's Day All!

2 On May 14, 2006 at 9:14 AM, Daniel wrote —


I'm glad you enjoyed the poem. I hope your family has a great Mother's Day.

Thanks again for the comments.


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