The Down Low: Bush At Record Low Of 31% genre: Polispeak

In the latest CBS News/New York Times poll, President Bush sank to a new low approval of just 31%. You can read the details here and here. Given the constant stream of negative news and additional issues of corruption, it is hard to imagine the scenario that would significantly increase these numbers.

Only 31% of those polled approve of Mr. Bush's job performance and 68% believe the United States is worse off today than it was before Bush became president.

With the Iraq war, Bush's approval rating dropped one percentage point (from 30% to 29%) since last month. Similarly, only 30% of poll respondents said they have some degree of confidence Bush will be able to end the war successfully. The poll also reveals that 56% of those polled said that United States should have stayed out of Iraq; this number is the highest it's been since the start of the war.

Congressional Republicans get an eviscerating review in this poll. The GOP gets a favorability rating of 37%, exactly 20 percentage points lower than where it was in 1994. Inversely, Democrats in Congress had a favorability rating increase of 11 percentage points over what it was in 1994.

Daniel DiRito | May 9, 2006 | 3:12 PM
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