Site Crash...My Joe Lieberman Moment genre: Indie-Script

Going insane

It all started back in late July. It was hot as hell but I was feeling fine as the AC was working swell. And then it happened. Thought Theater crashed and, in the words of the hosting company, the heat had caused a power outage and the back up generator also failed in the sweltering heat. It was the first problem with the host company and the explanation seemed reasonable. Fortunately they quickly solved the problems and while I was frustrated, I kept my cool.

Nonetheless, more trouble was in the offing. As I recall, it was about two weeks later when the site was acting strange and running very slow. It wasn't long before it went down again. I sent an email to the company that built Thought Theater to ask them if they thought we needed to find a new hosting company. We decided to wait and see how the outage was handled and evaluate the reasonability of the explanation. The host company resolved the outage relatively quickly and they provided a lengthy description that seemed plausible so we tabled the discussion of a new host company.

I should have trusted my instincts at the time but as they say hindsight is 20/20. The final episode began this past Thursday with the site running extremely slow and then quickly deteriorating into a full scale crash. I quickly contacted my tech support company and began discussing plans to switch to a new host. The site stayed down for most of the morning and once it came back up, I received a message from the host that was laughable. The situation went downhill quickly and by Friday morning the site crashed again and remained down for much of the day.

I finally received a response to our many inquiries that stated that ever since the power outage, they were having problems and had scheduled the system for major maintenance this coming Monday...leaving it uncertain what would happen over the weekend. They eventually advised that they would do their best to keep the system operational over the weekend and we began the process of finding a new host company. Needless to say, posting will be light this weekend and will probably be hit and miss.

I'm hopeful we can switch to the new host company in the next week to ten days. Unlike Joe Lieberman's campaign, I won't be making the accusation that Ned Lamont's campaign hacked the site. I should have made the switch last month so I have only myself to blame. I value your readership and I will greatly appreciate your patience during the transition. My apologies for the inconvenience.

Daniel DiRito | September 9, 2006 | 4:31 PM
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