The White House Goes On The Offensive genre: Polispeak & Snapshot Thoughts & Tongue-In-Cheek

In a signal that the White House is, at the moment, holding steadfast to its support of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, they sent the AG out to meet with a number of US Attorneys. Gonzales sought to capitalize on the exposure by reaffirming the numerous issues that he continues to pursue on behalf of all Americans. I don't know about anyone else but I've always been suspicious of the guy that seems to go out of his way to tell you he's "got your back covered".


From The Associated Press:

Under fire in the Justice Department's botched dismissals of eight U.S. attorneys, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is trying to leave the furor behind him - literally.

The embattled attorney general is reaching beyond Washington over the next week to try to soothe his remaining prosecutors and show the public he's still working hard to curb crime. He'll also talk with local media in dozens of cities Friday about keeping kids safe from sexual predators.

"There's a lot of work that needs to be done around our country," Gonzales said.

Gonzales' travels also will include stops to highlight what aides call the Justice Department's a long-planned ad campaign on safeguarding kids from sex abuse. Friday's media blitz, with Gonzales participating in about 40 short interviews with local TV and radio reporters, is also dedicated to that campaign. Aides said he will refuse to talk about the firings during the five-minute segments except to briefly reiterate what he said before and again on Thursday: that none of the firings were improper.

"There's a lot of work that need to be done around our country," Gonzales said in St. Louis. "I'm staying focused on that."


This current issue with the allegedly questionable firing of eight US Attorneys is not unlike many of the other situations that leave one circumspect about the propensity of the Bush administration to stretch the parameters of propriety in its efforts to push its agenda.

I decided to have a little fun with the "got you back covered" metaphor...and nothing seemed to capture my sentiment better than the following Snapshot Thought.

Alberto Gonzales - Protecting Our Kids

Daniel DiRito | March 22, 2007 | 8:39 PM
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1 On March 23, 2007 at 8:53 AM, cactus wrote —

Which one is Gonzalez?

2 On March 23, 2007 at 8:49 PM, Danielle wrote —

Cactus --- very funny!

Those of us who care want Gonzales to go, and Michael to stay.

3 On March 29, 2007 at 3:08 PM, JAMES DAWSON wrote —


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