Keith Allen On Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church genre: Gaylingual & Hip-Gnosis & Video-Philes

The following video clips are the first half of a two part posting here at Thought Theater presenting a documentary called Keith Allen Will Burn In Hell, a look at Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church.

Keith Allen has worked in film and television for a number of years in the United Kingdom...primarily as a comic actor. Allen is the father of eight children, including Lily Allen, an up and coming singer.

In recent years, Allen has made a number of documentaries. In this most recent offering, Allen offers an up close look at Fred Phelps and members of his Westboro Baptist Church.

While we all have perceptions of Phelps and his followers, Allen delivers perhaps the most intimate expose to date. Allen films his ad-lib conversations during a visit to their Topeka compound; giving the viewer insight into the thought processes that serve to motivate the Phelps clan.

Allen's style is raw and I caution anyone who may be sensitive to profanity and abrasive language (from Allen and those he interviews). There is also one brief snippet of satirical nudity that may offend. I personally feel the documentary has merit regardless. While I am not troubled by his approach, that may not be the case for all viewers. The interviews are for the most part civil, though there are some heated exchanges.

Allen is a masterful moderator and it is clear that he has a grasp of human nature...demonstrating a keen understanding of how far he can push before needing to pull back. He has an ability to be both charming and chafing...and he knows when to modulate between the two.

Part One

Part Two

Daniel DiRito | July 3, 2007 | 9:48 AM
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