Keith Olbermann: George Bush Should Resign genre: Polispeak & Six Degrees of Speculation & Video-Philes

Keith Olbermann offers another of his thoughtful Special Comments...this one on the President's commutation of Scooter Libby's prison term. Olbermann goes on to tackle far more than his views on the Libby matter as he eloquently delivers a laundry list of allegations against the Bush administration that is the equivalent of a prosecutors indictment.

Olbermann closes with a scathing call for the resignation of both Bush and Cheney. He elucidates the similarities between the end of the Nixon presidency and this presidency and he asks that Bush find the same decency and patriotism that led Nixon to resign in a final gesture of concern for the United States.

Daniel DiRito | July 3, 2007 | 8:17 PM
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