Al Gore Announces Support For Gay Marriage genre: Gaylingual & Hip-Gnosis & Polispeak & Uncivil Unions

I'm not exactly sure what prompted Al Gore to post a video in which he expresses his support for gay marriage...but what the hey...good job Al.

I've often wondered why politicians are so much more forthcoming and appealing when they are no longer seeking public office. Time and again, former politicians demonstrate a candor and reasonability that was never allowed to surface while serving as an elected official.

Just once I would like to see a candidate run for office without the typical parsing of the issues in order to appeal to more voters. Perhaps they couldn't win, but I think the unbridled honesty would overcome many of their policy differences with the voting public. Let's face it, most of the politicians we elect don't keep the promises they make anyway. At least we would know who we're choosing and that they actually put their principles ahead of political gain. Fat chance that's going to happen.

Tagged as: Al Gore, Campaign Promises, Gay Marriage, Homophobia, LGBT, Politics

Daniel DiRito | January 23, 2008 | 2:54 PM
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