The Onion: Romney Seeks To Prove His Intolerance genre: Gaylingual & Hip-Gnosis & Polispeak & Video-Philes
I've always enjoyed The Onion. They're now presenting their "faux" news in video format on YouTube...and the following is one of my favorites.
The gist of the "story" is that the Mitt Romney campaign is doing all they can to dispel the accusations that the candidate believes in tolerance. The focus is on the campaigns efforts to reject Romney's apparent tolerance of homosexuality in the past.
The Onion wants to know what Romney can do to prove his newfound homophobia is genuine. The reporters ponder whether the former Massachusetts governor can shore up his wavering support among bigots by making disparaging remarks about women or Mexicans...a quick ethnic slur or two if you will.
Tagged as: 2008 Election, Homophobia, Humor, Immigration, LGBT, Mitt Romney, Same-Sex Marriage, The Onion, Tolerance
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