The Onion: It's All About The Gap...Between The Have's & The Have Nots genre: Econ-Recon & Tongue-In-Cheek & Video-Philes
In this episode of The Onion News, the network takes a look at the Gap's new clothing line...the one that is made by kids for kids. Nothing like American children being able to wear the right tags...even if those tags are sewn on by children in sweat shops.
After all, isn't that why we Americans are the envy of the world...what with giving our children generous allowances to buy the products they need instead of having to sell them into virtual slavery to make those products.
Yes, without capitalism, what would parents in third world countries do with their children? Thank goodness we provide the demand that allows them to be productive individuals. Otherwise, they might spend their time playing video games, participating in club sports, and trying to one up the neighbor's children by wearing the latest fashions.
Now if we can only get these same foreign children trained in providing first rate customer support for American companies that have been "forced" to hire adults in third world countries. Thank goodness these folks are willing to do the jobs that Americans won't do.
It certainly makes one feel good to know that we're continuing our efforts to prove our unyielding commitment to assisting the underprivileged people of the a significant profit to U.S. corporations, of course!
Tagged as: Baby Gap, Child Labor, Child Rearing, Corporate Profits, Fashion, Gap, Globalization, Humor, Outsourcing, Sarcasm, Satire, Sweat Shops, The Onion
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