Sarah Palin: Stand Back - Dick Cheney Was A Wimp? genre: Polispeak

Perhaps I'm an ignorant lunatic...but I am completely baffled by the McCain campaign and the statements made by his running mate, Sarah Palin. In the following video, Palin asserts that the vice president is in charge of the Senate and has legislative authority.

While her uninformed view of the VP's reach is startling, it must be looked at in the context of her predecessor, Dick Cheney. I simply don't get why the McCain campaign would have their VP candidate making a play to consolidate more power in the VP's office...especially in the wake of Cheney's willingness to circumvent the constitution...not to mention his horrendously low voter approval.

The fact that John McCain hired George Bush's henchmen to run his campaign seems to amplify the degree to which he and the GOP have failed to recognize that voters are looking for a new direction. You simply can't look at this growing list of missteps without questioning the judgment of John McCain.

In fact, I can almost hear James Carville muttering, "That dog won't hunt". Then again, why would might smudge its lipstick.

Tagged as: 2008 Election, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, John McCain, Sarah Palin, Vice President

Daniel DiRito | October 21, 2008 | 4:12 PM
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