Values Voter Debate: Does The GOP Hate America? genre: Gaylingual & Hip-Gnosis & Polispeak & Video-Philes

Time and again we hear the argument that liberals hate America...or that they support the terrorists...or that they lack patriotism. The accusations are often made because of their opposition to the war in Iraq...fully lacking any real substantiation.

Well we now have a body of evidence that values voters may be the ones who hate America...primarily because it doesn't support their narrow version of religious ideology.

Comparison is a useful tool, and in this instance, it provides some much needed perspective. The same people who assail liberals for exercising their basic constitutional right to free speech seem more than willing to blur the lines of the constitution in order to impose their particular religious views upon the entire society.

At the GOP Values Voters debate last week, The Church Of God Choir opened the event by singing a rendition of God Bless where the words have been changed to instead asks "Why Should God Bless America?"...continuing on to state that America has "turned her back on everything that made her what she is". While liberals may disagree with specific U.S. policy, one would be hard pressed to find an event of this with candidates for the presidency in attendance...where the sponsorship is issuing an across the board condemnation of their country.

In fact, I suspect that such a brazen defiling of a cherished patriotic song at a Democratic order to spew one's displeasure with the state of our nation...would draw calls for a Congressional resolution of condemnation similar to the one issued against

To further make my point, I've included a defiling of the same song by Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church. If you're not familiar with this group, they travel the country protesting at funerals of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan...asserting that the deaths are little more than god's punishment for America's sins.

The Westboro version of God Bless America is called God Hates America, and while it uses arguably harsher language than the one at the Values Voters debate, they present a similar message...a message that America isn't acceptable because it has failed to adopt the religious beliefs of a certain segment of society.

I would suggest that liberals adopt a tactic frequently used by the that takes every possible opportunity to repeat the following meme..."Why does the GOP hate America?"

The Church Of God Choir - Why Should God Bless America?

Westboro Baptist Church Choir - God Hates America

Tagged as: Fred Phelps, God Bless America, GOP,, Religion, Values Voter Debate, Westboro Baptist Church

Daniel DiRito | September 23, 2007 | 12:57 PM
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1 On September 25, 2007 at 9:24 AM, Ben in Oakland wrote —

Of course they hate america. they hate our freedoms. they hate especially our rleigious freedoms.

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