Less Than One genre: Rhyme-N-Reason & Uncivil Unions

The category “Rhyme-N-Reason" is intended to be a place to share poetry that stimulates thoughtful reflection. For me, writing poetry is cathartic. It’s a way to encapsulate a group of feelings or thoughts that might be on my mind such that when I’m done writing, I experience a level of resolve that is both comforting and motivational. It has the same effect for me as listening to a song with which one has a significant connection. It takes you somewhere you’ve been or to something you’ve felt or experienced and allows you to further interpret the intended meaning or the lesson learned. Hopefully this can be a place for readers to pause and reflect on their own thoughts and feelings. Your comments are welcomed as well as any poetry you might want to share.

This poem is called Less Than One. It's fairly obvious that it is about relationships and how easy it is for two people to spend time together though never actually be together. Relationships can often be filled with hidden dichotomies and a number of them are contained in the poem. The photo is actually the same photo that appears in Snapshot Thoughts titled Push & Pull. For this posting, the photo was manipulated to form two figures that are engaged in the push and pull of a relationship, thereby further explaining the poem.

Push & Pull

Less Than One

The you in me is still my lover
The me in you has found another
Funny, you and I don’t know each other

Two together, too apart
The endings read before the start
Empty beds, empty hearts
Too together, two apart

The hidden self brings self deceit
The sum of us is incomplete
The shadow grows, the heart retreats

Two entwined, too alone
Neither one was ever known
Broken souls, broken homes
Too entwined, two alone

The taste of love, the hemlock simmered
The glow of love was just a glimmer
We met in spring, we died in winter

Two ignited, too requited
Nothing said, but yet decided
Each consumed, each divided
Too ignited, two requited

I lived for you and you for me
The you and I was never seen
Sadly, you and I were just a dream

Daniel DiRito | April 21, 2006 | 6:57 AM
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1 On April 21, 2006 at 10:22 AM, Rich wrote —

Re: Less Than One. I found it a most thoughtful and beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing it. (I have been enjoyinging your other comments and editorials as well since discovering your site a short while ago.)

2 On April 21, 2006 at 11:14 AM, Daniel wrote —


Thank you for your comments. I'm glad you liked the poem and the site. It's rewarding to know that words can touch others. I hope to hear more from you. Take care.


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