Donna Brazile & Sarah Palin: The Truth Is Black & White genre: Polispeak & Video-Philes

It's easy to get lost in the rampant rhetoric of elections. All too often we forget what the stakes are and just how important it is to vote. We do so at our own peril. The following two videos serve to illuminate the bright line between rhetoric and reality.

In the first video, we garner some insight into the extent of Palin's hypocrisy and her willingness to ride the political fence for advantage. While Sarah Palin is busy traveling the country attempting to portray Barack Obama's brief association with former Weatherman, Bill Ayers, as the reason to reject his election, she completely ignores her own suspect affiliations.

She wants us to believe that Barack Obama is a terrorist sympathizer because he sat in the same room with Bill Ayers and served on an education committee with him. At the same time, she completely ignores her endorsement of a man and an organization that is actively seeking the secession of the state of Alaska from the United States...a man whose hatred for his country is every bit as inflammatory as the words of Barack Obama's former pastor, Jeremiah Wright.

Now take a look at the second video and listen to the impassioned remarks of Donna Brazile as she elucidates the essence of this election absent hateful hyperbole. If Brazile's utter honesty doesn't move you, you might want to start looking for your misplaced soul. If you don't know where to look or can't be bothered, I know an abrasive Alaskan governor you might want to pal around with.

If you want to know why this elections matter, watch these videos a second time and ask yourself where the truth lies. The evidence is overwhelming. Casting a vote on election day is our opportunity to send a message that the truth still matters. If Sarah Palin wants to reject America when it's politically expedient, I think it's only appropriate we return the favor.

Given the choice, I'd much rather take a seat in the back of the bus with Donna Brazile than hitch a ride on the "Straight Talk Express" with the likes of Sarah Palin and John McCain. Come November 5th, I want it to be clear that Donna Brazile can sit anywhere she likes and I want Sarah Palin to know that her brand of rancid rhetoric has no place at the political table.

Sarah Palin's Pals

Donna Brazile

Tagged as: 2008 Election, Alaska, Barack Obama, Bill Ayers, Donna Brazile, Equality, Freedom, Joe Vogler, Racism, Sarah Palin

Daniel DiRito | October 8, 2008 | 12:28 PM
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The McCain campaign’s use of inflammatory innuendo is an affront to American decency and a detestable example of cynical contrivance. The following videos highlight the hypocrisy of Sarah Palin as well as the promise of rejecting her rancid racial rhet... [Read More]

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